Bookmarks for 1 October through 7 October

  • pycco – A port of docco for Python: produces very attractive literate programming-like HTML output, using Markdown and Pygments.
  • Software Evolution Storylines – From Michael Ogawa, developer of code swarms, a more linear visualization of code integrations and correlations.
  • [1009.5718] Monitoring wild animal communities with arrays of motion sensitive camera traps – “Motion sensitive camera traps offer a visual sensor to record the presence of a broad range of species providing location -specific information on movement and behavior. Modern digital camera traps that record video present new analytical opportunities, but also new data management challenges. This paper describes our experience with a terrestrial animal monitoring system at Barro Colorado Island, Panama.” Includes a short discussion of camera failure cases, effective lifetimes, and initial calibration.
  • [1009.0626] Approximate results for a generalized secretary problem – “A version of the classical secretary problem is studied, in which one is interested in selecting one of the b best out of a group of n differently ranked persons who are presented one by one in a random order. It is assumed that b is a preassigned (natural) number. It is known, already for a long time, that for the optimal policy one needs to compute b position thresholds, for instance via backwards induction. In this paper we study approximate policies, that use just a single or a double position threshold, albeit in conjunction with a level rank. We give exact and asymptotic (as n tends to infinity) results, which show that the double-level policy is an extremely accurate approximation.”
  • PLoS ONE: Iridovirus and Microsporidian Linked to Honey Bee Colony Decline – “We used Mass spectrometry-based proteomics (MSP) to identify and quantify thousands of proteins from healthy and collapsing bee colonies. MSP revealed two unreported RNA viruses in North American honey bees, Varroa destructor-1 virus and Kakugo virus, and identified an invertebrate iridescent virus (IIV) (Iridoviridae) associated with CCD colonies. Prevalence of IIV significantly discriminated among strong, failing, and collapsed colonies. In addition, bees in failing colonies contained not only IIV, but also Nosema.”