Reasonable photos from 2009

I’ve started uploading a subset of my photos to Flickr.  Here are four from 2009 I’m reasonably happy with, with some commentary.

Scrub jay

We took a short trip north to the coast in the spring, camping a few nights at the Bodega Dunes site in Sonoma Coast SP. This bird was interested in our activities, although not as aggressive as some distant cousins at San Simeon.

Model Saturn V

NASA Ames had an event last year, with much model rocketry on the airfield. This model Saturn V was one of the most impressive rockets fired, and I was happy to catch it as it took off.


The dock at the cottage. Weathered, if not gnarly.


I was amused by the modification to this sign. (O.P.P. is short for Ontario Provincial Police; C.P.O. for Community Policing Office; C-3PO for a particular protocol droid.)